Thursday, June 28, 2012

Treasure Island

The local grocery store is called Treasure Island. Tagline: Arrrrrrrr! If only. The real tag line is "America's most European supermarket." The only that could've made that tag line more pretentious? Replace "supermarket" with "grocer."

So, whenever anyone in the house needs something last-minute, they will say something like this: "I'm going to swing by Treasure Island on my way out to the Point. Anyone need anything?"

Which always makes me want to say "A talking parrot! A peg leg! A ship, please!"

I'm sure the novelty and hilarity will wear off, but for now, hearing about Treasure Island is amusing to no end.

ALSO: To a Pennsylvanian, Treasure Island seems very European indeed, what with the selling of wine and beer in the grocery store.

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