Monday, June 18, 2012

Painting: After

Here it is, the room in the "after" stage, with Heather, demonstrating her joy at being finally done painting. We're still tracking down furniture (bed and dresser mostly) so that we can pull all of our stuff out of duffels and boxes, but now, at last, we can arrange the room as we see fit.

Also, as promised, Django the banana-eating cat. This morning, he joined Heather and myself at the kitchen island on his own bar stool, glancing over at our cereal with banana-envy in his eyes.

He is one of four house animals: Another cat (William? Gandalf? I forget his name), a small dog (named Socket, for the unkempt fur that makes her look as if she stuck her nose in one), and Bean (name origin unknown).

I have never lived in a house with indoor animals (aside from my sister's parakeet), so this is new for me. Right now, the animals are hilarious and novel. I hope it stays that way.

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