Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fruits of My (and others') Labor

The Joshua Farm, where I'm spending my mornings, is about 1 acre, 1/2 under cultivation. They run a twice-weekly farm stand, a CSA, and in the summers, they work with high school kids.

Mondays and Thursdays are farm stand days, and thus harvest days. I spent this morning cutting okra, peppers, and green beans. It turns out that 1) okra leaves make you itchy, and 2) that itching is relieved by rubbing dirt on the itchy areas. Who knew?

I got to bring home some green beans, garlic, and peppers home, and so I made some lunch, including green beans sauteed in garlic and butter. Chili, made with the peppers (sweet and chili) is next up...

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