Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I) A logging song, read (not actually overheard) in Ted Gioia's "Work Songs" (p. 142, in the chapter on lumberjack songs):

I am jolly shanty boy
Who loves to sing and dance.
I wonder what the girls would say
If they could see my pants!
With fourteen patches on the knee
and six upon the stern,
I'll wear them when I'm in the woods
And home when I return.
For I am on my jolly way,
I spend my money free,
I have plenty -- come and drink
Lager beer with me.

II) At the coffee bar, while working:

"Well, caramel's just peanut butter and jelly mixed, isn't it? Oh. No, it's not?"

III) At another neighborhood coffee house; a father and daughter (around age 4):

"That's quite a cough. Are you sick?"
"Why? What are you sick from?"
"The moon."
(holding back laughter) "The moon? The moon is making you sick?"
(deadly serious) "Yeah."

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