Thursday, August 18, 2011

Brief Updates

I) I'm married. Hopefully this is not news to most of you.

II) On our honeymoon, Heather and I both got tattoos. Hopefully this is news to most of you.  Mine: A Kestrel on my arm. Heather's: An Acacia tree on her back.

III) Harrisburg got a mention in the Huffington Post. The market profiled is directly across the street from the bookstore where I work, and is a favorite lunch stop.

IV) Lastly, a brief meditation on notes.
          We use a lot of post-it notes at the bookstore, communicating things like "Out of Izze sodas. Add to shopping list." or "These books are for a customer who is still browsing." Sometimes, though, the notes themselves are meaningless when removed from their context. This has lead my co-workers and I to create a category of "notes that are funny when stuck on ANYTHING." Perhaps this is only funny in context, or when needing to relieve a bit of tedium behind the counter, but imagine any of the following, on a post-it note, stuck on, well, anything:

           What is this?
           Please do not touch the artwork

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