Monday, September 6, 2010

No Last Call

In the course of poking around Craigslist, looking for (more) employment, I stumbled upon an ad for a street band. This ad, in particular. "Are you looking for a really fun, low-pressure outlet for your musical talents and are you 25 or older?"

Well, yes to all, except that age thing. So I sent them an email mentioning my tenure in Swarthmore's Balkan Brass Band, and detailing my love of street bands, in particular, Providence, RI's What Cheer? Brigade (recent sleeper hit at the Newport Folk Festival).

Turns out 1) this band is the band mentioned to me a few weeks ago by the pastor of Derry Presbyterian, and 2) they were inspired to form the band when they saw the What Cheer? Brigade play.

So, despite missing the only rehearsal between my acceptance into the band and their next gig, I was invited to play. I packed a tambourine, goat-hoof bracelet shaker, sticks, and snare drum into my backpack and  down rode Front Street, boom-ba protruding over the handlebars like a jouster's lance.

We played a pretty standard roster of pep band tunes, but the crowds in town for this weekend's Kipona Festival loved it. Now, to get my hands on the old charts from the Balkan Band...

1 comment:

Joel said...

Greg, this is amazing, but somehow not surprising. Does this band go on tour?